Galaxy Saturn Alignment

EPT3600 Adj Layout

Synthesizer Alignment

Equipment to use
Radio Settings
Input to freq counter to the junction of C78 and C79
Check for 10.2400MHz +/-20Hz
Input of freq counter to TP6 (anode of D27)
Adjust L26 for 10.6950MHz +/-100Hz
Input of freq counter to TP6 (anode of D27)
Adjust L27 for 10.6925MHz +/-100Hz
Input of freq counter to TP6 (anode of D27)
Adjust L28 for 10.6975MHz +/-100Hz
Input of o'scope to TP4 (junction of C82,R107 and L46)
5 band version - C band Channel 19 AM
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 AM
Adjust L16 for max RF Output
Input of o'scope to TP3 (jumper J58)
5 band version - E band Channel 40 AM
6 Band Version - F band channel 40 AM
Adjust L18 for max rf output
Connect DC Voltmeter TP2 (junction of R109 and C81)
5 band version - E band Channel 40 AM
6 Band Version - F band channel 40 AM
Adjust L17 for 5.0V +/-0.1V Check channel 17 A band must be 1.5V Min
Connect Freq Counter to TP3 (jumper J58)
5 band version - C band Channel 19 AM
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 AM
Adjust L19 for 16.490MHz +/-50Hz
Same as above
same as above
Adjust L20 for 16.4925MHz +/-50Hz
same as above
same as above
Adjust L21 for 16.4875MHz +/-50Hz

RX Alignment

Equipment to use
Radio Settings
Connect signal generator to Ant Input set to 27.185 30% mod, output 50uV
5 band version - C band Channel 19 AM clarifier center
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 AM clarifier center
Adjust L3 L4 L6 L7 L8 L10 L11 L12 for maximum indication on AC Volt Meter
Set signal generator to 27.186 No Modulation output 50uV
5 band version - C band Channel 19 USB clarifier center
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 USB clarifier center
Adjust L13 L14 for maximum indication on AC Volt Meter
Set signal generator to 27.185 and apply a 1uV FM signal with 1.5KHz deviation with 1KHz tone to ant input
5 band version - C band Channel 19 FM clarifier center
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 FM clarifier center
Readjust L5 for maximum indication on AC Volt Meter
Set signal generator to 27.185 30% Modulation output 1000uV
5 band version - C band Channel 19 AM clarifier center
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 AM clarifier center SET SQUELCH FULL CLOCKWISE POSITION
Adjust VR4 so that squelch just breaks, readjust VR4 until just quiets unit
Set signal generator to 27.185 30% modulation output 100uV
5 band version - C band Channel 19 AM clarifier center
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 AM clarifier center
Adjust VR1 so the S-Meter reads S9 then set mode selector to USB and adjust VR2 so the S-Meter reads S9
NB Adjustment, set signal generator to 27.185 no modulation output 100uV
5 band version - C band Channel 19 AM clarifier center
6 Band Version - D band channel 19 AM clarifier center
Connect DC Voltmeter to TP1 and adjust L1 and L2 to obtain a 2.5V +/-0.5V Reading

Transmitter Alignment

Equipment to use
Radio Settings
Connect DC mA meter to TP9+ and TP8-
5 band version C Band Channel 19 USB
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 USB
Key radio with no modulation and adjust VR11 for 20mA +/-0.5mA of current
Connect DC mA Meter to TP9+ and TP7-
5 band version C Band Channel 19 USB
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 USB
First adjust VR10 and VR20 to their min position (fully counter clockwise) key radio with no modulation and adjust VR10 to 50mA +/-5mA and then adjust VR20 to 100mA +/-5mA of current
Connect RF Wattmeter to antenna connector key radio and inject 1KHz 30mV Tone into mic audio input (pin2)
5 band version E Band Channel 40 USB
6 Band version F Band Channel 40 USB
Adjust VR12 and L42 for maxiumum RF output, next adjust L40 L43 L44 and L33 for maximum RF output. repeat these adjustments again. Next Adjust L42 for equal power output on CH40 of the highest band and CH1 on A band.
RF wattmeter to antenna connector, key radio and inject a 2 tone (500Hz and 2.4KHz tone 30mV) into mic audio input (pin2)
5 band version E Band Channel 40 USB
6 Band version F Band Channel 40 USB
RF wattmeter to antenna connector, RF power full, key radio.
5 band version C Band Channel 19 AM
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 AM
Adjust VR13 for 8W AM/FM output power
RF wattmeter to antenna connector, RF power set to low (fully counter clockwise), key radio.
5 band version C Band Channel 19 AM
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 AM
Adjust VR803 for desired low power setting on AM/FM. 2W is good setting. (VR803 is located on switch function selector board)
RF wattmeter to antenna connector, RF power full, key radio.
5 band version C Band Channel 19 AM
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 AM
Adjust VR8 so the internal RF power meter reads the same as the external RF power meter.
Modulation meter to antenna connector, mic gain set to max, key radio and injuext a 400Hz 30mV audio signal into mic audio input (pin2)
5 band version C Band Channel 19 AM
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 AM
Adjust VR14 for 100% modulation
Connect deviation meter to antenna connector, key radio and inject 1KHz 30Mv audio signal into mic audio input (pin2)
5 band version C Band Channel 19 FM
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 FM
Adjust VR5 for 3KHz of FM deviation
Connect a 8 ohm dummy load and AC Voltmeter to external speaker jack, connect a key switch to the cw key jack and key switch on
5 band version C Band Channel 19 CW
6 Band version D Band Channel 19 CW
Adjust VR16 for 200mV +/-10mV reading on AC voltmeter for CW tone level.